Why Apache ?

Discipline is Non-negotiable!

Quality Control

Apache Security Services has developed a reputation of being one of the most disciplined guard forces in operation today. To us, discipline is a non-negotiable factor.

Security guards require leadership and discipline and we understand this completely. There is no better way to enforce discipline than with the routine grooming and hygiene parade. These parades allow our supervisors to visibly inspect and approve each and every security officer’s appearance, personal hygiene, physical state and equipment.

Some may feel that this is an ‘old-school’ approach but we run our operation with military precision and these principles will not be sacrificed.

Our security offices are required to be punctual and on parade at the given time, as per our pre-deployment criteria. Failure of any security officer to comply with our standards will result in non-deployment and subsequent disciplinary action.


Apache Security Services has placed great value and importance on pride and self-achievement for all our security officers. The need to feel needed and appreciated is not lost on us and is hugely encouraged. To achieve this, we have the following programmes in place:

Gift/cash voucher awards
'On-the-spot' gift certificates or cash vouchers are awarded to security officers who deliver consistently great service, go beyond the call of duty or those who display bravery in the face of danger.

Tomahawk medal
There is an Honours board at our head office on which all the names of employees can be found who have been awarded our Recognition of Excellence Award (The Tomahawk) medal. Officers who have achieved this award are acknowledged at a formal gala dinner and are presented with their medal as well as a lapel which they’re entitled to wear on their uniform.

The Apache Head medal
For those officers who have been identified as leaders and have completed their necessary Grades, all our supervisors and site seniors are presented with the Apache Head medal as well as a lapel which they wear on their uniform.

The Brave’s Knife medal
Officers who, out of their own desire for further education, have completed specific courses, such as VIP Protection, First Aid, etc.  are presented with the Brave’s Knife medal. For each course that an officer completes, he receives a Brave’s Knife lapel to wear on his uniform.

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011 824 0505 | 011 824 1207

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"Good people doing extraordinary things."