P.S.I.R.A No. 2413929
Killing security as you know it is the only way to save your company from the threats it faces on an hourly basis. Allowing a true industry authority to present to you how to transform your current security expenses into a meaningful, value providing portfolio could possibly be the most astute business move you could make this decade!
Has it ever crossed your mind that everything you know or thought you knew about security was actually holding your loss prevention success back?
For the past twenty odd years we've carefully watched and felt the world change.
Yet, security companies and their clients still use the same tactics and methods over and over again (with the same costly results and constant headaches). Yet the safest and most secure companies in Johannesburg have achieved unthinkable loss control and asset protection results by making fundamental changes to their approach to security methods and those "dinosaurs" providing them.
Through innovation, world travel and savvy use of technology, Apache Security Services has created massive disruption in the security services arena!
Meet with us, talk to us, and we will demonstrate to you how our approach is killing off the "old school" methods, while providing our clients with a security portfolio that adds significant value to their bottom line.
Without giving too much away over the 'open waves' we can say that a twenty-minute meeting with us will drastically change your views on what you are currently led to believe is “security”.
What do you have to lose... 20 minutes? Make the call, it's time you actually got what you did not know existed.
“011 453 0580/98 Contact us for quality